West Virginia has received more than $1.9 from the U.S Department of Justice to help provide support for forensic science services to help improve the efficiency of sexual assault kits and DNA testing and process the backlog of forensic and data base DNA samples.

The funding was announced in a news release by U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.

Nearly $500,000 of the money will go to West Virginia State Police to help with a DNA backlog reduction program.

West Virginia University Research Corp. will receive more than $930,000 for research and development in forensic science.

More than $264,000 will go to the West Virginia Division of Justice and Community Services for a forensic science improvement grants program, and more than $252,000 will be awarded to the West Virginia Division of Justice and Community Services for national sexual assault kit initiative.