WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., on Thursday announced her committee assignments for the 116th Congress.

She will continue serving on four U.S. Senate committees: The Committee on Appropriations; the Committee on Environment and Public Works; the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; and the Committee on Rules and Administration. 

“I’m very excited to continue serving on these four committees, all of which deal directly with issues that are critically important to West Virginians,” Capito said. “These assignments will help ensure I continue to have a seat at the table when considering legislation and oversight related to some of my top priorities — such as government funding, broadband, energy and manufacturing, and infrastructure, among others. 

“That also means that I will be well-positioned to advocate for and shape solutions in areas that are critical to our economy and our future success — both as a state and as a country — and it means that West Virginia’s interests will remain front and center throughout that process. I look forward to continuing to work with both my Republican and Democrat colleagues on these committees this Congress,” Capito said.