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  • West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito helped introduce a bill tackling Parkinson’s disease back in 2022, and on Tuesday, the bill was officially signed into law. The “Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act” was first introduced by Senator Capito and Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy in September 2022, but it was on Tuesday that U.S. President Joe Biden turned it into law. The legislation states that the Department of Health and Human... Read More
  • A Biden administration measure that has been decried for months by oil and gas industry stakeholders has been paused by a court order. A U.S. District Court judge in Louisiana on Monday granted a preliminary injunction putting a halt to the administration's order pausing pending decisions on exports of liquefied natural gas to non-fair-trade countries. The stay came as the result of a challenge brought by a coalition of 16 states, including West Virginia. The U.S. District Court Western District... Read More
  • Micrologic, an internet service provider based in Buckhannon, held a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday for a broadband expansion project in Randolph County. The Randolph County Fiber Project is set to bring high-speed fiber connectivity to 10,000 locations within Randolph County. This $20 million investment marks a significant milestone in enhancing the region's digital infrastructure, fostering economic growth, and improving the quality of life for residents and businesses alike, according to a... Read More
  • U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito is astounded by the changes seen in north Weirton in the last few years Capito, R-W.Va., was in the city Monday to visit Form Factory 1, receiving a tour and update on development of the facility constructed to manufacture iron-air batteries on property once used in the making of steel. It was part of a series of stops in the Northern Panhandle. “What a great investment,” she said of the facility which has been under construction for the last year. “It’s such an... Read More
  • U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito is astounded by the changes seen in north Weirton in the last few years. Capito, R-W.Va., was in the city Monday to visit Form Factory 1, receiving a tour and update on development of the facility constructed to manufacture iron-air batteries on property once used in the making of steel. It was part of a series of stops in the Northern Panhandle. “What a great investment,” she said of the facility which has been under construction for the last year. “It’s such an... Read More
  • West Virginia U.S. Senator Shelly Moore Capito made her way to Weirton on Monday to tour Form Energy's Factory 1 and she said a lot has changed since the last time she was here three years ago. "There's no comparison as to where the flat land that was still being cleaned out when I was once here and it was sad, sad to see because you knew tens of thousands of people have worked here and their ancestors,” Moore Capito said. “Now, we have the same feeling of just a rejuvenation." Capito had the... Read More
  • U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS), announced an award from the U.S. Department of Education (Education) for Education Alliance in Charleston. This award, which was secured through a Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) request made by Senator Capito in Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), will help Education Alliance launch a rural branch of the... Read More
  • U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee and a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, joined Charleston Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin and other state and local leaders on Friday to provide an update on the $24,995,250 recently announced funding needed to begin construction of the Capital Connector Project in Charleston. The funding, which Senator Capito secured, was through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s... Read More
  • Efforts to renovate a deteriorating building on the city’s Town Square have received a boost in the form of federal funds issued through the Small Business Administration. On Thursday, Alex Weld, chairwoman of the Wellsburg Urban Redevelopment Authority, announced the volunteer city committee has been awarded $750,000 to renovate a vacant, three-story structure at 701 Charles St. Recently crews with Modex Contracting of Wellsburg gutted the building’s interior and removed its collapsing roof... Read More
  • A major construction project impacting Kanawha Boulevard is one step closer to reality, as the city of Charleston received $25 million in grant funding for the Capitol Connector Project. The money comes from a RAISE grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, and will be used for the construction phase of the project. Charleston Mayor Amy Goodwin says U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Sen. Joe Manchin, D.-W.Va., were essential in helping to secure the funding. According to a... Read More
  • U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and U.S. Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK) joined 33 of their fellow lawmakers in seeking to quash a climate disclosure rule adopted in March by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that requires publicly traded companies to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data.  In a bicameral amicus brief the congressional members filed in Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, et al v. SEC, they requested that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit... Read More
  • The Capital City now has the money to construct what’s called the Capital Connector project aimed at enhancing the Kanawha River by connecting the city’s East End and West Side. The city is receiving a $25 million RAISE grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. It applied for the money after receiving more than $1 million a few years ago to do an initial study. Charleston Mayor Amy Shuler said it’s time to take further advantage of the city’s most precious resource, the Kanawha... Read More
  • A project aimed at transforming a stretch of the Kanawha Boulevard in Charleston got a big financial boost Friday. A $25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation was announced for the construction phase of the Capital Connector Project. The announcement was made during a joint news conference between the city and U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito. The project calls for a “reimagining” of the Kanawha Boulevard corridor to make it more accessible for those in bicycles and on foot, as... Read More
  • A group of Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., and joined by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) Resolution of Disapproval to block the new overtime rule published by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). This rule increases the minimum salary threshold for overtime pay from the current $35,568 to $58,656 in January 2025, and then increases every three years. “I have heard from many West Virginia employers who have raised serious concerns... Read More
  • Three historic buildings in Wellsburg's town square will be revitalized thanks to a $750,000 grant from West Virginia U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito. The Wellsburg Renewal Authority has been a part of the city's growth the past few years and they wanted it to continue. So, the group pursued the Small Business Administration grant in the hopes of bringing more economic development to the area. "It’s a downtown,” Wellsburg URA Chair Alex Weld said. “Wellsburg, it’s what people... Read More
  • U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, recently joined 34 Members of Congress in filing a bicameral amicus brief in Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, et al v. SEC requesting the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit vacate the agency’s climate disclosure rule. U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) led the effort in the Senate, while Congressman Kevin Hern (R-Okla.-01) led the effort in the U.S. House... Read More
  • On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS), announced an award from the U.S. Department of Education (Education) for the Education Alliance in Charleston, West Virginia. This award, which was secured through a congressionally directed spending (CDS) request made by Senator Capito in Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), will help Education Alliance launch a... Read More
  • U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., wants President Joe Biden to rescind his amnesty executive order for migrants who are in the country illegally. Capito, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, said Tuesday that she has joined 14 other Republicans in the U.S. Senate in asking Biden to rescind the order that would offer amnesty to some immigrants who are unlawfully present in the United States. The 14 Republicans sent a letter to Biden Tuesday demanding the... Read More
  • US Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., has joined a group of 14 other Senate Republicans in an effort to urge President Joe Biden to rescind his recent executive order that will allow the undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens to become citizens. Capito, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, signed on to a letter authored by Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., asking Biden to withdraw the policy. “We urge you to rescind this policy immediately and focus your... Read More
  • Funding to help West Virginia University renovate the Personal Rapid Transit, or PRT, system was announced Monday. The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded $6,400,000 to repair the PRT. The funds will be used as part of the PRT Passenger Station and Guideway Modernization Project to bring all PRT stations and guideways into a state of good repair as required by Federal Transit Administration requirements. Components to be refurbished include stairs, platform surfaces and guideway... Read More