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  • After passing its final vote in the Senate, the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act is headed to President Joe Biden for final approval. The bill ultimately passed as part of the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S.870) after work by its co-authors U.S. Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Tom Carper (D-DE), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). “Today, we sent the ADVANCE Act to the president’s desk because Congress worked together to recognize the importance... Read More
  • Bipartisan legislation sponsored by U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) to support development and deployment of new nuclear technologies, passed the U.S. Senate on June 18 as part of a larger bill that now heads to the president’s desk to be signed into law. The Senate voted 88-2 to approve the bipartisan Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act, S. 1111, which Sen. Capito introduced in March 2023 alongside nine original cosponsors, including U.S.... Read More
  • The U.S. Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to accelerate the deployment of nuclear energy capacity, including by speeding permitting and creating new incentives for advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Expanding nuclear power has broad bipartisan support, with Democrats seeing it as critical to decarbonizing the power sector to fight climate change and Republicans viewing it as a way to ensure reliable electricity supply and create jobs. A version of the bill had already passed in the House of... Read More
  • In what has become an exceedingly rare phenomenon, lawmakers on Capitol Hill this week reached across the aisle and coalesced around a piece of energy legislation to send it to President Joe Biden’s desk. The support was resounding. The sweeping nuclear energy bill known as the “ADVANCE Act” sailed through the Senate as part of S. 870, the “Fire Grants and Safety Act,” on an 88-2 vote Tuesday, just over a month after the package garnered more than 390 votes in the House. It was an especially... Read More
  • Democrats and Republicans in a bitterly divided Congress can agree on one thing: the US needs more nuclear to power America’s rapidly growing energy appetite — and fast. The Senate overwhelmingly approved a major bill Tuesday night to make it easier, cheaper and faster to permit and build new nuclear reactors. The ADVANCE Act, which passed with just two senators voting no, now heads to Biden’s desk for signing, which he is expected to do. The bill represents one of the most significant actions... Read More
  • On Tuesday, the Senate voted to pass bipartisan legislation that will provide a major boost to the future of nuclear energy in America. The Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act, which the senators introduced in March 2023, passed as part of the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S.870) by a vote of 88-2 and will now be sent to the president’s desk to be signed into law. “Today, we sent the ADVANCE Act to the president’s desk because Congress worked... Read More
  • Nuclear power could be expanding soon in the U.S. and West Virginia is on a list of targeted sights. This is after the U.S. Senate passed a bill known as “The Advance Act.” One of the three senators who wrote this bill was West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R). The bill authorizes the expansion of nuclear power in any state where it has also been approved. Microsoft founder Bill Gates is one of the leading supporters, and he toured a former coal-fired power plant in Kanawha County last... Read More
  • In an 88-2 vote, the Senate Tuesday passed a bill that will boost the construction of new nuclear power plants in the U.S.  Among other things, the ADVANCE Act, which was sponsored by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.V., cuts regulatory costs in the licensing of advanced nuclear reactors, incentivizes the deployment of advanced reactor technologies, and directs the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to accelerate licensing review processes to site and construct reactors at existing nuclear sites.  “I’m... Read More
  • WASHINGTON (WV News) — A piece of federal legislation that could help pave the way for the development of nuclear energy generation in West Virginia is on President Joe Biden’s desk. The Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act passed the U.S. Senate Tuesday as part of the Fire Grants and Safety Act. “This bipartisan piece of legislation will encourage more innovation and investment in nuclear technologies right here on our shores,” said U.S. Sen.... Read More
  • The Senate on Tuesday passed a package aimed at bolstering the nation’s nuclear power sector, sending it to President Biden’s desk. The vote was 88-2. Sens. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) opposed the measure. While a White House spokesperson did not respond to questions about whether Biden will sign the bill, national climate adviser Ali Zaidi appeared to post on the social platform X in support of the legislation Tuesday. “Really appreciate the bipartisan efforts on advanced... Read More
  • WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito says the ADVANCE Act will use nuclear power to help meet the nation’s energy needs. Advance, which passed the Senate Tuesday and is heading to the desk of President Joe Biden, sets up process to license small modular reactors. Capito said SMR aren’t what people usually think of when they think of nuclear energy. “They’re small, they are more contained and they’re safer,” Capito said Wednesday on MetroNews “Talkline.” “They use less fuel and... Read More
  • The Biden administration continually falls back on promises made to the public. While the White House has repeatedly boasted that “One Year In, President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is Driving Historic Climate Action and Investing in America to Create Good Paying Jobs and Reduce Costs,” the administration quietly funneled $50 million in taxpayer funds earmarked for clean energy to two groups that oppose immigration enforcement. These groups do not work for a better environment. They should... Read More
  • The state Legislature made several attempts to criminalize deepfake, AI-generated pornography during its regular session earlier this year. They all perished in the chaos and squabbling of the closing days. But U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito have joined with other colleagues to take the problem up at the federal level. Led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, they’ve introduced the TAKE IT DOWN Act (with the usual congressional fondness for acronyms, short for the Address Known... Read More
  • A measure enacting major nuclear regulatory reforms cleared the Senate on Tuesday, marking one of the few major regulatory overhauls to pass Congress before the November election. The Senate passed in an overwhelmingly bipartisan manner, 88-2, a package of measures meant to strengthen the agency overseeing the nuclear sector, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and streamline the process of approving projects, especially for newer generations of advanced reactor technology. The legislative... Read More
  • The Senate passed a major piece of pro-nuclear energy legislation on Tuesday, sending the bill to President Joe Biden’s desk. The legislature’s upper chamber passed the Fire Grants and Safety Act — a bill containing the text of the pro-nuclear ADVANCE Act — by a strong 88-2 bipartisan vote. The bill represents one of the most significant efforts undertaken in recent years by Congress to spur the country’s nuclear energy infrastructure and capacity, as well as a rare moment of consensus among... Read More
  • The West Virginia State Fire Academy’s National Junior Firefighter Camp had a visitor in Weston Monday. U.S. Senator Shelley Moore-Capito toured the academy and addressed campers. The Fire Academy is operated by West Virginia University Fire Service Extension and is host to the national camp, which started in 2006. The camp is used to encourage a new generation of volunteer firefighters and is the only one of its kind nationally. “The National Junior Firefighter Camp is incredibly unique, and... Read More
  • The Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to accelerate the deployment of nuclear energy capacity, including by speeding permitting and creating new incentives for advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Expanding nuclear power has broad bipartisan support, with Democrats seeing it as critical to decarbonizing the power sector to fight climate change and Republicans viewing it as a way to ensure reliable electricity supply and create jobs. A version of the bill had already passed in the House of... Read More
  • U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) and a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, recently joined a group of senators — led by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa — to introduce a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution of disapproval in an attempt to strike down a Biden administration’s rule that Capito says is... Read More
  • The U.S. Senate on Tuesday passed legislation that includes a bill to advance deployment of nuclear power led by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito and two Democratic colleagues. Capito’s bill is the ADVANCE Act: Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy. The act is included in S. 870, the Fire Grants and Safety Act, which passed the House 393-13 last month. It passed 88-2 on Tuesday and heads to the president’s desk for his signature. Speaking on the Senate floor before the... Read More
  • The Senate is poised to send a major energy bill to President Biden’s desk this week that could allow for more nuclear power to be built throughout the U.S. The bipartisan bill is seen as a win for the nuclear power industry, as it would make nuclear plants quicker and less expensive to build.  The legislation seeks to reduce fees for companies that are proposing to build nuclear reactors and establish a prize that aims to incentive nuclear deployment. It also seeks to speed up the process for... Read More