October 2015
Charleston Gazette-Mail
Shelley Moore Capito: Build State’s Economy from the Ground Up
September 2015
Charleston Gazette-Mail
Capito Op-Ed: Iran Deal Deserves Up-Or-Down Vote
August 2015
Fayette Tribune
Capito Op-Ed: New Funding Boosts Fight Against Drugs
Huntington Herald-Dispatch
Capito Op-Ed: New Funding Boosts Fight Against Drugs
Fox News
The dirty business of Obama’s so-called Clean Power Plan
July 2015
Charleston Gazette Mail
Shelley Moore Capito: Internet access can close homework gap
June 2015
The Inter-Mountain
Op-Ed By Sen. Shelley Moore Capito: Map for better cyber access
May 2015
West Virginia Record
Spectrum of solutions needed to fight drug epidemic
April 2015
Wheeling Intelligencer
Op-Ed by Senator Shelley Moore Capito: Battling Human Trafficking
March 2015
Charleston Gazette Mail
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito: Infrastructure still needed for energy job growth