WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today cosponsored the Veterans Choice Improvement Act of 2016. This legislation makes the Veterans Choice Program permanent, which was created in 2014 to allow veterans to get needed health care outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) system. It will also make needed changes and reforms to address continued bureaucratic delays and confusion that veterans have experienced in attempting to get health care. Senator Capito also commented on the VA’s new Community Care Call Center to address billing issues with the Choice Program.

“I have heard from too many West Virginia veterans about problems with the Veterans Choice Program. We owe it to our veterans to make sure they receive access to the quality health care they have earned. The VA’s implementation of a Community Care Call Center is a good step. Still, more needs to be done to improve issues with the Veterans Choice Program, which is why I cosponsored the Veterans Choice Improvement Act of 2016. I will continue working with my colleagues in the Senate to advance this important legislation and honor our commitment to the men and women who have served,” said Senator Capito

The Veterans Choice Improvement Act addresses three key problems that have come to light since the creation of the Veterans Choice Program in 2014:

Systemic confusion with accessing health care outside the VA. The Veterans Choice Improvement Act simplifies the process by consolidating all non-VA care programs into one funding source.

Medical providers fear working with the VA, which is jeopardizing the ability of veterans to get the care they need. The Veterans Choice Improvement Act requires the VA to create a modern, secure and efficient claims submission process with industry best practices. It gives strict timelines for reimbursement to providers and includes measures to make sure that the VA meets those timelines.

Currently, the Choice Program does not fully leverage local medical providers, which can result in veterans having to drive for hours to receive care, even for simple things like getting eyeglasses. The Veterans Choice Improvement Act allows the VA to enter into provider agreements with local providers, which will help thousands of veterans who live in areas with health care shortages receive the care they need more easily and conveniently.

View a summary of the legislation here.

Veterans who are experiencing payment issues associated with the Choice Program can contact 1-877-881-7618 to reach the Community Care Call Center. Learn more here.
