05-22-2019 Frank Volk PLAY

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today introduced Frank W. Volk, President Donald Trump’s nominee for District Judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, during a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing. Senator Capito recommended Volk to the president who announced the decision to nominate him in April 2019. 

“Based on his experience as a judge, as an educator, and his service to our federal court system, Frank is clearly qualified for the promotion to the federal district court bench,” Senator Capito said during her remarks. “President Trump made a wise choice in nominating Frank Volk to serve as a District Court Judge. I appreciate the committee holding this hearing today, and thank you for the honor of letting me do an introduction. I hope that you will join me in supporting his nomination.” 

Click here to watch Senator Capito’s introductory remarks. 


If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Frank W. Volk of West Virginia will serve as a Judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, filling the vacancy created when Judge John T. Copenhaver, Jr., took senior status.    

Volk currently serves as Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of West Virginia.  He was appointed to his current position as a bankruptcy judge by the Judges of the U.S Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. 

Volk is an alumnus of the West Virginia University College of Law, where he attained the Order of the Coif and served as editor-in-chief of the West Virginia Law Review. Volk clerked for several highly regarded West Virginia judges, including the late U.S. Circuit Judge M. Blane Michael, the late Chief U.S. District Judge Charles H. Haden, U.S. District Judge John T. Copenhaver, Jr., and West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Margaret L. Workman. He has also served for over a decade as an instructor at the WVU College of Law, teaching classes in federal civil rights and bankruptcy.


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