WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) today announced $1,782,000 in funding from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to support the construction and rehabilitation of the Coalfield Development Corporation’s West Edge Factory in Wayne, West Virginia. This funding will help expand job training programs for West Virginians who have experienced layoffs in the coal mining industry and will gradually create approximately 320 jobs in Wayne, Mingo and Lincoln counties.

“It is no secret that West Virginia has been targeted by the Obama Administration’s anti-coal policies, putting thousands of West Virginians out of work,” said Senator Capito. “This investment will help retrain many displaced miners and create hundreds of new jobs in southern West Virginia. I will continue fighting for both our coal jobs and for new opportunities for West Virginia workers. I look forward to getting a first-hand look at how this funding will be used during a tour of the West Edge Factory later this week.”

“Southern West Virginia has been hit particularly hard by this Administration’s harmful regulations and we must continue to fight to keep our coal jobs and to make sure every out-of-work coal miner has access to meaningful job opportunities,” Senator Manchin said. “This funding will provide our miners with job training programs and will create more than 300 jobs. We must do everything in our power to help our miners through these uncertain times and I’m thrilled the Coalfield Development Corporation will be able to continue their important work and improve our communities.”

Individual awards listed below:

  • $1,782,000 – Coalfield Development Corporation’s West Edge Factory Rehabilitation (Wayne County)
