WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) today announced that MountainHeart Community Services, Inc. in Matheny will receive $1,381,731 for Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

The funding, awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF), will allow MountainHeart Community Services, Inc. to continue providing critical health, nutrition, education and social services to West Virginia families and children.

“Head Start and Early Head Start programs help ensure that our young people are healthy, get a good education and develop a strong foundation for success,” said Senator Capito. “Programs that strengthen our next generation are worth investing in, and I am glad this critical funding is heading to Southern West Virginia.”

“As West Virginians, we prioritize our commitments based on our values,” Senator Manchin said. “That means keeping our promises to those who matter the most to us, and our children are always at the top of that list. I have always been a proud supporter of Head Start programs, and I am glad this funding will make sure these valuable programs are available to those who need them. Our West Virginia children who participate in Head Start rely on these educational opportunities to help them succeed in life and I am pleased to know that this funding will give children in Southern West Virginia the educational opportunities they deserve.”

Head Start and Early Head Start are national child-development and readiness programs for low-income children ranging from birth to five years of age that help prepare them for school from a young age.
