WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), today announced that two West Virginia high school seniors, Olivia Hindman of St. Albans and Emma Romano of Bridgeport, have been selected for the 2021 U.S. Senate Youth Program. Olivia and Emma will represent West Virginia during the virtual Washington Week that will be held in March. The U.S. Senate Youth Program Washington Week is an interactive educational and leadership forum where the students will attend virtual meetings and briefings with the Senators, the President, a Justice of the Supreme Court, leaders of cabinet agencies and members of the national media.

“Olivia and Emma are excellent representatives for West Virginia in the U.S. Senate Youth Program, and I’m thrilled to welcome them to Washington virtually this year. Both are talented students, and exemplify terrific leadership skills and dedication to their communities. I look forward to the impact both Olivia and Emma will have on West Virginia in the future,” Senator Capito said.

“Olivia and Emma are some of West Virginia’s brightest students and I look forward to meeting them virtually as part of the Senate Youth Program,” said Senator Manchin. “Both Olivia and Emma set a wonderful example for all of West Virginia through their commitment to their studies and dedication to serving their communities. Young leaders like Olivia and Emma are the future of West Virginia and I am confident they will represent the Mountain State well.”

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