WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced West Virginia will receive $43,756,934 through the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant program. The funding would come through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This news follows a joint-announcement released in March acknowledging West Virginia was eligible for these funds.

The funding amount for each state is determined by several factors, including mortality rates—a change resulting from a measure Senator Capito authored to prioritize funds for states hit hardest by the drug crisis. Without this language and based on previous formulas based on population, West Virginia would have received significantly less.

“The opioid crisis has affected lives and communities across the country, but some states—including West Virginia—have been hit harder than others,” Senator Capito said. “Through my work on the Appropriations Committee, I’ve worked hard to make sure West Virginia receives the support necessary to combat this crisis. The funding announced today includes a measure I authored with Senator Shaheen from New Hampshire to help ensure states like West Virginia dealing with the worst of the epidemic are receiving an appropriate share of the resources being provided to fight it. Unfortunately, the current pandemic has brought new challenges for those in recovery and living with addiction, resulting in rising overdoses and treatment needs, which makes these funds even more critical. Furthermore, these funds will be essential to help resume the progress we have made and continue to expand, while also strengthening our efforts to curb this epidemic. These resources are a critical component to support those suffering from addiction. Especially during the challenging and uncertain times like these, we must be there for our communities and our neighbors.”

West Virginia has benefitted from this program in recent years, receiving $42 million in 2019. More information can be found HERE.


SOR provides funding to states across the country to develop tailored approaches to prevention, treatment, and recovery from opioid use disorders. The program provides access to lifesaving, evidence-based medication to treat opioid use disorders, along with psychosocial services and community supports.

The program also has updated language that will allow grantees to also use the funds to address stimulant-related challenges that are affecting states and communities across the nation. 

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