WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced two awards through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) ReConnect program. Wetzel and Tyler Counties have been approved for a $2 million grant and $3.5 million grant/loan combination, respectively. This funding will support the construction of fiber networks that will provide broadband service to residents, businesses, and community facilities in the two counties. 

“Over the past year I have been working with communities across the state to help them take advantage of the tremendous opportunity presented by the ReConnect program," Senator Capito said. "As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I fought hard for this funding and spoke directly with Secretary Perdue urging him to fund projects in West Virginia. I am pleased that multiple applicants were successful in this year’s round and will continue to assist communities as they develop applications for next year. My Capito Connect plan is delivering demonstrable results across the states as more communities are seeking federal funding to deliver broadband.” 

As a leader on the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Capito helped create and secure funds in the FY2018 budget for the ReConnect program. Through her Capito Connect initiative, Senator Capito has made improving connectivity and closing the digital divide in West Virginia a top priority and has worked to advance efforts and deliver resources to support programs like ReConnect.

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