WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) issued the following statement regarding the Senate’s passage of a bipartisan, five-year transportation funding bill, known as the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act or FAST Act. The bill passed on a 83-16 vote.

“Today’s passage of the FAST Act is welcome news for West Virginia. For the first time in more than a decade, Congress has passed a multi-year funding bill to move our transportation system forward, bringing the cycle of short-term extensions that result in fewer yet more costly fixes to an end,” said Senator Capito.

“West Virginia’s highway and transit programs will receive more than two billion dollars over the next five years to advance critical projects and improve the poor condition of our roads and bridges. The certainty and stability that comes from a long-term bill will help relieve traffic congestion, improve access to rural communities and fuel economic development. The bill also includes an important initiative to increase high speed Internet access in rural communities throughout West Virginia.”

How the FAST Act Benefits West Virginia:

Multi-year funding: The FAST Act will provide long-term certainty and multi-year funding to West Virginia. West Virginia will receive $2.5 billion over the five year period for highway and transit programs.

Improving Broadband Access: The FAST Act also includes the Appalachian High-speed Broadband Deployment Initiative introduced by Senator Capito earlier this year. This initiative, administered through the Appalachian Regional Commission, will increase affordable access to high speed Internet, support distance learning opportunities and the use of telehealth technologies, and promote business development.

