WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Sonny Perdue, requesting he extend by one month application deadlines for the department’s new ReConnect program. Through the ReConnect pilot program, which Senator Capito played a role in announcing last month, USDA is making available up to $600 million in loans, grants, and loan-grant combinations to help build out broadband infrastructure in rural America.
“The ReConnect program is a critical new tool that will help achieve our shared goal of prioritizing rural broadband and closing the digital divide,” Senator Capito writes in the letter. “As you know, on February 22, 2019, the USDA will finalize the application window for applicants to the ReConnect program. Unfortunately, due to the recent government shutdown, agencies have not been working at full capacity.”
“Timely technical assistance webinars and workshops are imperative to informing potential applicants, especially for a new pilot program,” the letter continues. “As a result, I urge the USDA to extend all deadlines for ReConnect by one month. An extension will help ensure applicants are receiving the assistance they need and the awards are being given to projects that achieve the program’s goals.”
As a leader on the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Capito helped secure funds in the FY2018 budget for the ReConnect program. Through her Capito Connect initiative, Senator Capito has made improving connectivity and closing the digital divide in West Virginia a top priority and has worked to advance efforts and deliver resources to support programs like ReConnect.
Senator Capito’s full letter to Secretary Perdue is available here and below.
Dear Secretary Perdue:
On December 13, 2018, I was proud to play a role in the Rural eConnectivity Pilot Proram (ReConnect) announcement. Thank you for asking me to be a part of the launch of the new program; I look forward to its success. Under your leadership, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has worked to understand the true challenges facing rural communities and has been a strong partner in delivering solutions. The ReConnect program is a critical new tool that will help achieve our shared goal of prioritizing rural broadband and closing the digital divide.
Connectivity is essential for families, students, businesses, and communities to succeed. Without access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet, rural communities and rural states, like West Virginia, are being left behind when it comes to education, health care, job creation and retention, and overall economic potential. Through the ReConnect program, the USDA will make available approximately $600 million in grants, loans, and loan grant combinations. The projects funded by these grants will help communities with fewer than 20,000 residents, like many communities in West Virginia, without broadband service or where services does not have sufficient broadband access, defined as 10 megabits per second (Mbps) downstream and 1 Mbps upstream.
As you know, on February 22, 2019 the USDA will finalize the application window for applicants to the ReConnect program. Unfortunately, due to the recent government shutdown, agencies have not been working at full capacity. For example, the USDA has only been able to conduct one of the seven webinars on the ReConnect program. Timely technical assistance webinars and workshops are imperative to informing potential applicants, especially for a new pilot program. As a result, I urge the USDA to extend all deadlines for ReConnect by one month. An extension will help ensure applicants are receiving the assistance they need and the awards are being given to projects that achieve the program’s goals.
Thank you for your commitment to this important program and the millions of rural Americans who will benefit from it. I appreciate the consideration of this request and look forward to working with you on this important issue.

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