WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) signed a letter with a bipartisan, bicameral group, led by U.S. Senators Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), urging President Biden to continue directing his full attention to freeing American hostages taken by Hamas during the terrorist organization’s October 7th attacks on Israel and supporting Israel’s efforts to dismantle the threat of Hamas.

“We appreciate that you have sent the U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs to Israel to assist in the recovery of the hostages, and we urge you to do everything in your power to secure their safe release,” the lawmakers wrote.

“Hamas has already killed 30 Americans and likely injured many more… The terrorists responsible for these atrocities hide behind human shields while they threaten to livestream the execution of hostages. Hamas has also reportedly demanded the mass release of prisoners in exchange for freeing its hostages and could use the hostages to push for a ceasefire. With several U.S. citizens still missing in the aftermath of the terror group’s brutal attack, we urge you to continue putting your full attention on the freeing of American hostages. Every day must be treated with a sense of urgency,” the lawmakers continued.


Senator Capito has been committed to applying pressure on the Iranian regime, a state-sponsor of Hamas terrorists, and holding the Biden administration accountable through Congressional oversight. This week, Senator Capito cosponsored a bill that would freeze the $6 billion that the Biden administration sent to Iran and also joined with 98 other senators in a bipartisan resolution signaling steadfast U.S. support for Israel.

On August 18, Senator Capito joined her colleagues in demanding answers from the Biden administration after it announced the release of $6 billion to Iran.

In June, Senator Capito cosponsored the Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Act, which would sanction those who facilitate illicit purchases of Iranian oil.

Full text of the letter can be found here or below:

Dear President Biden,

We are heartbroken that Hamas has kidnapped over 199 civilians, including American citizens, during its brutal terrorist attacks in Israel on October 7th, 2023. We appreciate that you have sent the U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs to Israel to assist in the recovery of the hostages, and we urge you to do everything in your power to secure their safe release.

Hamas has already killed 30 Americans and likely injured many more. We agree with your labeling of Hamas’s immoral attacks as an “act of sheer evil,” and a “violation of every code of human morality.” The terrorists responsible for these atrocities hide behind human shields while they threaten to livestream the execution of hostages. Hamas has also reportedly demanded the mass release of prisoners in exchange for freeing its hostages and could use the hostages to push for a ceasefire. With several U.S. citizens still missing in the aftermath of the terror group’s brutal attack, we urge you to continue putting your full attention on the freeing of American hostages. Every day must be treated with a sense of urgency.

As a result, we urge the United States to continue supporting Israel’s urgent efforts to dismantle the threat of Hamas, provide the necessary resources for Israel’s defense, and continue offering whatever support necessary to immediately and safely rescue kidnapped Americans, with particular attention to those who require urgent medical care.

Lastly, many families are painfully waiting for any update on the health of their loved ones who have been taken hostage. We urge you to encourage our allies and partners in the region to place pressure on Hamas to allow the International Committee of the Red Cross to have access to the hostages while the United States and Israel work to secure their release.

We appreciate your attention on this extraordinarily important matter.


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