WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today spoke with members of Philanthropy West Virginia on a teleconference call where she provided an update on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. During the call, Senator Capito heard from various philanthropy organizations and non-profits about their concerns, answered questions, and provided an update on how the third coronavirus relief package—which passed the Senate Wednesday evening—will aid them.

“Philanthropy West Virginia’s members have always been there to lend a helping hand to those in need and given back to the community, making the Mountain State a better place,” Senator Capito said. “I’m so proud the Senate was able to deliver for non-profits in the most recent coronavirus relief package. Because of the broad definition of ‘small business’ in this bill, non-profits will be considered eligible for all the benefits other small businesses are guaranteed. I thank the Philanthropy West Virginia members for sharing their feedback with me and for their tireless efforts to make our state the best it can be.”  

"West Virginia's nonprofits and foundations are responding to the needs of our citizens and communities every day, but even more now with COVID-19 response. Philanthropy West Virginia appreciates Senator Capito for joining us to hear the needs of these organizations in serving our citizens as well as providing action on ways to relieve the burden on nonprofits which employs one out of every nine West Virginians. Philanthropy WV believes that working together across philanthropy, nonprofits, business, and government that we can become even stronger as a state as we face these uncertain times," said Paul Daugherty, President and CEO of Philanthropy West Virginia.

Senator Capito is committed to ensuring all West Virginians are heard during this uncertain time. Senator Capito has participated in numerous calls with West Virginia groups on this issue including the West Virginia Municipal League, the West Virginia Association of Counties, the County Commissioners Association of West Virginia, the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce, the West Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association (WVHTA), and the West Virginia Hospital Association.

Senator Capito launched a page on her website to help bring current and accurate information to West Virginians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click HERE to access the webpage for the latest updates and resources.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency over the coronavirus pandemic. Click HERE to read Senator Capito’s statement on this announcement, and keep scrolling to learn more about her efforts to stay on top of this issue.


Senator Capito continues to be focused on this issue, particularly in ensuring the appropriate agencies have the funding they need to mitigate the spread of the virus, test those feeling ill, and treat those infected.

Senator Capito has been in touch with the White House directly to express the need for more testing kits and additional flexibility for West Virginia’s hospital as the situation continues to evolve. She spoke with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region III Administration Mary Ann Tierney about the need for more supplies for health care workers in West Virginia.

As chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Capito has made a point to ask the agencies she funds if they are prepared and ready to combat the coronavirus. Below are more details on Senator Capito’s efforts:

  • Met with a number of officials, including:
  • Communicated with West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Secretary Bill Crouch about the state’s testing issues.
  • Spoke with West Virginia Hospital Association President and CEO Joe Letnaunchyn and West Virginia Health Care Association CEO Marty Wright.
  • Voted in favor of the emergency supplemental funding package to help states treat, prevent, and prepare for the Coronavirus. A portion of the funding provided for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is specifically tied to the FY2019 Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) grant awards for states and localities. In West Virginia, this means the state will receive at least $5 million in funding.
  • Attended a senators-only Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee briefing to ask questions directly of leadership from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the State Department, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
  • Spoke with West Virginia Governor Jim Justice about West Virginia’s preparedness and readiness.
  • During two Homeland Security Appropriations subcommittee hearings:

Click here for more information on the coronavirus.


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