WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) made the following statement about today’s announcement from the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Connect America Fund. The Connect America Fund today offered carriers nationally nearly $1.7 billion to expand and support broadband service in rural areas.

“The need for broadband in rural America is great, particularly in West Virginia. While traveling across the Mountain State and meeting constituents, I hear repeated frustration about the lack of connectivity. Today’s announcement from the Federal Communications Commission about its Connect America Fund is welcome news for many West Virginians who currently lack access to high-speed Internet. Without broadband access, rural areas face obstacles to attracting jobs and promoting economic development, and lack access to vital opportunities as a result. I look forward to working with our communities to ensure that these funds are used efficiently and effectively to close the broadband gap in rural areas and better connect West Virginia.”

Read more about the FCC announcement here.
