WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) this week joined U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and 17 of their colleagues in introducing a resolution condemning the attacks against Israel by Hamas, an Iranian-backed and funded terrorist organization, and reaffirming the United States’ unwavering commitment to our ally Israel, and its right to take whatever means are necessary to stop the murder of its citizens and foreign nationals residing in Israel.

“Israel has every right to defend itself from attacks by terrorist organizations that are propped up by Iran, including Hamas,” Senator Capito said. “At this critical time, we must unapologetically convey to the world that the United States stands firmly with our friend and ally Israel. We remain steadfastly committed to our most important ally in the region, and support the people of the Jewish state in the face of these attacks.”

“For decades, the people of Israel have endured unyielding attacks from terrorist groups, like Hamas, who wish to destroy the Jewish state and its people. Now, as thousands of rockets rain down, our resolve to stand with Israel must be stronger than ever. I want to be clear: no country, certainly not the United States, would tolerate attacks like these and not take whatever action is necessary to end them. As our great ally and the only shining example of democracy in the Middle East, Israel deserves our full support,” Senator Scott said.

To access the full text of the resolution click here.


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