WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a leader on the Senate Appropriations Committee, today participated in a markup of the first FY2020 government funding measures, helping to advance bills that would provide resources for critical West Virginia priorities. The committee approved the Department of Defense Appropriations Act by a vote of 16 to 15 and the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act unanimously.
Earlier this summer, with Senator Capito’s support, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019. That legislation enabled Congress to set appropriations funding levels over the next two years and made it possible for the Senate Appropriations Committee to consider the bills marked up today.
“As we begin the markup process in the Appropriations Committee, I was proud that so many of the items I advocated for were included in the government funding legislation that will advance to the Senate floor. With these bills, we fund our national defense and will develop and study coal as a natural resource, among other things,” Senator Capito said. “This bill also builds upon language I authored to support the Appalachian Regional Commission and provides an increase in overall funding to make it possible for the commission to continue its work related to broadband deployment, economic development, and fighting the opioid epidemic.”
The FY2020 Department of Defense Appropriations Act includes:

  • $694.9 billion, an increase of $20.5 billion above the FY2019 enacted level.
  • Supports a pay raise of 3.1 percent for our service members.

The FY2020 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act includes:

  • $800 million for Fossil Energy Research, an increase over the enacted level—including specific increases for the National Energy Technology Lab for facilities and research, continuing the investment Senator Capito was able to provide for the supercomputer Joule and to address deferred maintenance and a potential sensitive compartmented information facility and for the Computational Science and Engineering Center.
  • Language supportive of continued efforts for the Appalachian Storage Hub, including funding for the Title XVII Loan Program.

Additional information the Department of Defense Appropriations Act is available here.
Additional information on the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act is available here.


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