WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $1,858,772 for Camden-on-Gauley Medical Center through the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Health Center Program. Funding will help provide primary health care services in Webster County and neighboring areas. 

“Community health centers are a vital component of West Virginia’s health care system,” Senator Capito said. “These facilities help provide integrated primary health care services in rural communities that may be far from hospitals or other facilities. I have been a strong supporter of this program in Congress through my role on the Appropriations Committee, and I will continue working to ensure West Virginians have access to quality health care no matter where they live.” 

“This grant will provide essential funding that helps West Virginians be able to receive easy access to health care in rural areas. Without these health centers and the funding they receive from HHS, many West Virginians would not have access to the healthcare they deserve. I applaud the work of the Camden-on-Gauley Medical Center and as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee I will continue to support the funding of such amazing services,” said Senator Manchin.


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