WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $1,936,080 for the Webster County Economic Development Authority for Phase II of the Webster County Broadband Initiative from the Applachian Regional Commissiomn (ARC). This award will be matched with $484,020 in local funds and will help create a broadband network that will serve 830 households and 80 businesses.

“High-speed internet service is essential in the 21st century,” Senator Capito said. “West Virginia communities need access to this invaluable tool in order to provide opportunity and educate the next generation, which is why I have been so adamant about finalizing this investment for Webster County. While we have made significant progress in expanding broadband infrastructure through my Capito Connect plan and local efforts, a lot of work remains to be done. This investment has been a major priority of mine, as it will help construct and deploy a wireless broadband network that will provide reliable internet access to 830 households and 80 businesses, making a dramatic increase on our connectivity in the region. Thanks to this funding, this Webster County can take another step toward bringing increased connectivity to their communities. I will continue to be a strong advocate for strengthening broadband service in West Virginia, and help connect our communities with the federal and state resources they need to bring reliable internet access into our homes, businesses, and schools.”

“Delivering reliable, affordable broadband to every West Virginian is a top priority of mine, and I am pleased EDA is investing in this project to expand broadband access to families and businesses in Webster County,” Senator Manchin said. “Broadband access is essential for West Virginians and businesses to compete in the 21st century, and I look forward to witnessing the growth this project will bring to Webster County. The EDA remains a strong partner for West Virginia, and I will continue to work with the EDA and other agencies to bring broadband access to every community in the Mountain State.” 

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