CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Today, U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), both members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced $5,764,995 from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) for three projects across West Virginia. The funding will support expanding essential water service in Clay County, conducting a land development study to help complete the Corridor H Highway and bolstering tourism and recreation-related businesses across the state.

“Because the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee oversees the Appalachian Regional Commission, in my role as ranking member I’ve continued to successfully advocate for resources for the agency that support West Virginia communities,” Senator Capito said. “The funding announced today will help bring water service to residents and businesses in Clay County, and help advance the completion of Corridor H, both issue areas the EPW Committee is heavily involved in. Providing a boost for West Virginia’s tourism and recreation sector will also benefit our local economies, and I’m glad to play a part in delivering these grant awards to our state today.”

“The Appalachian Regional Commission’s continued investment in revitalizing and strengthening Appalachia is great news for our state and the entire region. The funding announced today will support a critical waterline extension project in Clay County, help complete the Corridor H Highway and boost our tourism and recreation industries across the state,” Senator Manchin said. “Investing in our local communities creates good-paying jobs and spurs economic opportunity and I look forward to seeing the positive impacts of these projects for the Mountain State.”

Individuals awards listed below:

  • $2,964,995 – Clay County Commission: Big Otter/Nebo/Walk Road Waterline Extension
    • This funding will support a waterline extension project to extend essential service to 84 new customers and 31 existing customers, including 5 businesses, in Clay County.
  • $2,700,000 – Partner Community Capital, Charles Town: The WV Recreational Economies Initiative
    • This funding will be used to support personnel, fringe benefits, travel, supplies, contractual, and other expenses for tourism and recreation-related businesses across West Virginia. 
  • $100,000 – Region VII Planning and Development Council: Corridor H Site Analysis Study
    • This funding will be used to conduct a land development study along and near Corridor H in the seven counties it runs through. The final study will summarize the process, present findings and make recommendations for moving forward to complete Corridor H.

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