CHARLESTON, W.Va. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $1,056,666 from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to support four West Virginia organizations, 58 AmeriCorps members and 10 summer associates across the state.

“A sense of community and a desire to help one another is at the core of our identities as West Virginians. Through this program, AmeriCorps volunteers will serve across West Virginia, providing support where they are needed. Community projects like this are a great force in West Virginia and help make our state a better place. I am thankful for the continued support AmeriCorps provides for our communities and look forward to seeing the positive impact resulting from this funding,” Senator Capito said.

“West Virginians know how important it is to reach out a helping hand to support our fellow West Virginians. AmeriCorps members serve across West Virginia and engage with local communities on projects to reduce poverty and support our community members. From expanding food programs and drug prevention and treatment programs to supporting education and anti-poverty programs, AmeriCorps projects have a tremendous impact on the Mountain State. I am a proud supporter of the AmeriCorps program and I look forward to seeing the great work accomplished while the AmeriCorps members call our beautiful state home,” said Senator Manchin.

Individual awards listed below:

  • United Way Central West Virginia – $300,855
    • This project seeks to expand literacy-based programs, food programs and opioid prevention and treatment programs.
  • West Virginia University Research Corporation – $298,085
    • This project will seek to develop partnerships to help solve community problems while developing sustainable communication pathways between higher education, community agencies, and youth. The project expects to benefit at least 30 individual units/agencies that reach over 20,000 students and community members.
  • West Virginia Community Development Hub – $263,655
    • This project will continue to develop the capacity of the Hub’s ability to reach communities and provide service opportunities to eradicate poverty throughout West Virginia.
  • The Education Alliance – $193,347
    • This project works to help West Virginia schools and community organizations enhance their capacity to provide innovating education programing and aims to benefit approximately 500 students, staff and community members.

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