WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), members of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $4,134,446 from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for the Charleston Yeager Airport and North Central West Virginia Airport. This funding will help with runway rehabilitation, improvement of airport drainage and purchasing new snow removal and deicing equipment. 

“West Virginia’s airports are important to our state’s families, tourists, and businesses; and by improving their infrastructure, we can make our airports safer and more efficient for passengers and commerce alike,” Senator Capito said. “As a member of the Senate Commerce Committee and the Appropriations Committee, I will keep working to ensure our airports have the resources they need to continue serving West Virginians and everyone who wants to visit or do business here.” 

“Our airports are crucial to West Virginia’s economy and tourism industry, and in order to expand our airports we must take care of the runways and buildings we already have. This funding will help airports in Charleston and Clarksburg implement improvements and repairs that are necessary to operate. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and a pilot myself, I will continue to fight for funding to help grow our economy and tourism in our state,” Senator Manchin said.