WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced that West Virginia has been awarded $5,016,100 in AmeriCorps funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency for volunteering and service programs.
“West Virginians take pride in our community and are quick to lend a helping hand,” Senator Capito said. “This funding will support volunteerism and introduce participants to the wonderful people and places that make West Virginia special. I cannot wait to get out and see these projects for myself and meet the men and women who use their time to make our country a better place to live.”
“Those who dedicate their time and talents to serving their communities should never go unrewarded,” Senator Manchin said. “This funding doesn’t just recognize and celebrate the individuals in West Virginia who tirelessly strive toward bettering their communities, it also gives them the resources to continue the work they’ve been doing for their state and their country. I am proud to represent a state that puts such a high premium on community service, and I will work to secure AmeriCorps and other volunteering programs funding in the future.”
This funding will support and engage a total of 610 AmeriCorps members. Additionally, AmeriCorps members in West Virginia will receive $1,270,964 in post-service Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards, which will help pay for post-secondary education or student loans.
Individual recipients and their programs are listed below:

  • West Virginia Research Corp, Energy Express AmeriCorps - $1,250,996
  • Appalachian Forest Heritage Area, AFHA – Enhancing Assets to Benefit Communities - $512,000
  • United Way of Central West Virginia, LifeBridge AmeriCorps – $751,225


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