WASHINGTON, D.C – Today, U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) led four Senators in introducing the bipartisan Medicare Sequester Relief Act, which would prevent substantial cuts to Medicare payments for healthcare providers from taking effect during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Medicare payment cuts were delayed in the year-end package until March 31st, 2021 because many West Virginia healthcare providers rely on payments from Medicare now more than ever before to help keep their doors open as they provide vital care to their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, West Virginia hospitals alone lost over $400 million, making these savings critical. This legislation would extend the delay until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has put an enormous burden on West Virginia’s health care providers, especially when it comes to managing finances to keep their doors open,” Senator Capito said. “In December, we worked to delay cuts to Medicare provider payments, and this legislation would extend this period to ensure our hospitals, doctor’s offices, and other health providers won’t be financially burdened as we all recover from the impacts of this pandemic.”

“Many West Virginia healthcare providers have been stretched thin during the COVID-19 pandemic, working tirelessly to provide West Virginians with quality care while also functioning on shoestring budgets. Our healthcare providers, especially in our rural communities, depend on federal funding from Medicare to stay afloat. Our bipartisan, commonsense bill will prevent Medicare payment cuts to healthcare providers until we get through the COVID-19 pandemic so they can continue to provide quality healthcare to West Virginians in need,” Senator Manchin said.

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