WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that the Greater Pittsburgh Metals Manufacturing Community, which includes the northern region of West Virginia, has been designated as one of 12 communities to participate in the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP). The 20-county area, which spans from West Virginia to Pennsylvania, includes 1636 metal manufacturing establishments that employ over 63,000 people.

The announcement comes after Senator Capito sent a letter to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker in March calling for this designation and noting the invaluable role West Virginia can play in creating manufacturing jobs. Read the letter here.

“Today’s announcement by the U.S. Department of Commerce is positive news for West Virginians and a recognition of the role our state is poised to play in boosting manufacturing and U.S. exports. With this new designation, our communities can create a sustained manufacturing sector that will greatly benefit this region,” said Senator Capito.

The 12 communities were chosen based on the strength of their economic development plans, the potential for impact in their communities and the depths of their partnerships across the public and private sectors to carry out their plans.