WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Governor Rick Perry, the nominee for energy secretary, met in Senator Capito’s office today to discuss the Trump Administration’s energy priorities and West Virginia’s critical role in America’s energy landscape. Senator Capito issued the following statement about the meeting:

“Governor Perry is from a significant energy producing state that faces some of the same challenges and opportunities as West Virginia. We had a very positive conversation about repealing overreaching regulations that have hindered our energy economy. We also discussed the need for expanded energy infrastructure, as well as the need to continue supporting cutting edge research like the important work taking place at the National Energy Technology Laboratory in Morgantown. Governor Perry will be a tremendous energy secretary, and I look forward to hosting him in West Virginia very soon.”

Click here to read Senator Capito’s statement on Governor Perry’s nomination as energy secretary.



Senator Capito discussed her priorities for America’s energy landscape

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