WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Christopher Wray, nominee for director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), met today to discuss his priorities for the bureau. After the meeting, Senator Capito issued the following statement:
“I enjoyed meeting with Mr. Wray today and appreciated hearing his views on the role the FBI plays in upholding the rule of law and keeping Americans safe. It’s clear that his resolve, experience, and commitment to justice make him an excellent candidate for this important position, and I have no doubt he would make a fair and effective director. If confirmed, I look forward to working together on enforcement efforts to combat the opioid epidemic and other issues that are important to West Virginia.
“In West Virginia, the FBI is a valuable community partner thanks to the Criminal Justice Information Services Division in Fairmont. The dedicated professionals who work there help protect our nation and keep our state strong. I was proud to commend their work to Mr. Wray, and I hope he will visit the division to see their good work firsthand.”

07.13.2017 FBI Nominee Christopher Wray

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