WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today issued the following statement after meeting with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the next Supreme Court justice:

“Judge Kavanaugh has a clear record of interpreting the law fairly, and throughout his impressive career, he has shown great respect for the Constitution in his rulings. When he was first nominated by President Trump, he committed to be open-minded in the cases that come before him as a Supreme Court justice, and his record backs up that commitment.

“After meeting with Judge Kavanaugh today, I’m even more certain that he is a man of integrity and that he understands and respects the responsibilities of a Supreme Court justice, which is why I plan to support his nomination. Judge Kavanaugh and I had a wide-ranging discussion about our separation-of-powers system, the court’s responsibility to properly apply laws passed by Congress to guard against overreach by federal agencies, and the importance of respecting precedent to promote stability in the law. I know Judge Kavanaugh will be an excellent addition to the court and will honor and strengthen this important branch of our democracy.”

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Senator Capito yesterday spoke on the Senate floor in support of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. A video of her remarks is available here.

Senator Capito’s statement on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is available here

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