WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) issued the following statement regarding the president’s final carbon mandates, which were unveiled today:

“Time and time again, this administration has chosen to pick winners and losers within the nation’s energy landscape, leaving states like West Virginia to bear the burden as more power plants and mines are forced to close, more jobs are lost and energy prices go up. The final rule announced today doubles down on the destruction of West Virginia’s economy. The overall emissions target for West Virginia is significantly more stringent, and the requirement for carbon capture and sequestration at new coal plants effectively means no new plants will be built.

“Let’s be clear – the president’s proposed plan will leave lasting damage on West Virginia’s already struggling economy. This rule is the product of an administration that is more focused on its legacy than the livelihoods of countless American families and communities who cannot afford fewer jobs and higher energy prices. While there is no question that we must take steps to protect our environment, it simply cannot be at West Virginia’s expense.

“Now that this rule is finalized, the need for congressional action is even more apparent. This week, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will consider the ARENA Act, moving it one step closer to the Senate floor. I will continue leading the charge against these misguided mandates and fighting for jobs and affordable, reliable energy in West Virginia and nationwide.”

Senator Capito, Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee’s Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, introduced the ARENA Act in May to roll back the so-called “Clean Power Plan.” The full EPW Committee is scheduled to mark up the ARENA Act on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Learn more here.