WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today issued the following statement regarding the Senate’s passage of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act Conference Report, which includes the Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act.

“The Internet is critical to promoting economic growth and innovation. By permanently banning taxes on internet use, more West Virginians will have access to this vital resource without a higher price tag.

“By facilitating trade and protecting American manufacturers from illegal practices abroad, our companies can remain competitive around the globe. An update to America’s trade enforcement laws was long overdue, and I am glad the Senate came together to boost opportunities for American families, manufacturers and job creators. Today’s vote is yet another sign of the Senate getting back to work.”

Prior to the vote, Senator Capito testified at the U.S. International Trade Commission on behalf of a West Virginia company in support of an antidumping investigation regarding imports of silicomanganese from Australia.

One of the two U.S. producers of silicomanganese, Felman Production is located in Letart, West Virginia and is a major contributor to the local economy. Felman has been under assault by imports from Australia, causing layoffs and reduced production. Effective enforcement of our antidumping laws is critical to the livelihoods of hundreds of workers in West Virginia, and Senator Capito spoke in support of enforcing our laws and ensuring a level playing field for American businesses.

Click here to view Senator Capito’s full testimony.
