CHARLESTON, W.Va. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today issued a video statement ahead of Memorial Day on May 30.

05-27-2022 Memorial Day Video Statement Screenshot PLAY

Click here or the image above to watch Senator Capito’s Memorial Day video. 

Full video transcript included below:

“In West Virginia, we understand there is honor in serving our great nation.

“For generations, many West Virginians have answered the call of duty to our country, and my thoughts today are with the families and loved ones of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

“We live in, undoubtedly, the greatest nation in the world.

“Our freedoms are central to our identity, and I recognize with humble awareness that our freedoms do not come free.

“Every day—and especially on this Memorial Day—I encourage my fellow West Virginians to honor our courageous service members who did not make it home, and reflect on the sacrifices made by our armed forces and their families every day.

“Together, we remember those who lost their lives serving our nation.

“We are forever grateful for your service, and we will never forget your sacrifice.” 

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