WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), yesterday introduced a comprehensive bill to help families across the country dealing with Alzheimer’s disease. The Comprehensive Care for Alzheimer’s Act would help the 95% of individuals with dementia that have one or more other chronic conditions, such as hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes.

“As the number of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia continues to increase, it is so important that we continue to look for ways to better care for them,” Senator Capito said. “By enhancing the coordination of this care, we can lessen the burden for patients and their caregivers while reducing health care costs by preventing unnecessary physician visits or duplicate tests. As someone who served as the primary caregiver for parents living with Alzheimer’s disease, I know personally just how needed this model is.”


By 2050, nearly 13 million Americans are projected to live with Alzheimer’s disease. In West Virginia alone, it is expected that 44,000 individuals will be living with Alzheimer’s by 2025, and over 830 individuals will lose their life to the disease each year.

The Comprehensive Care for Alzheimer’s Act would: 

  • Provide comprehensive care management services, including monitoring of additional health conditions, medication management, and care coordination.
  • Establish high standards of care by evaluating the quality of care provided to patients, including clinical outcomes, patient and caregiver experience, and utilization of care.  
  • Eliminate cost-sharing for patients and pay providers a monthly amount based on the complexity and quality of the patient’s care. It would allow both large and small providers to participate, including hospitals, community health centers and rural health clinics. 
  • Ensure that caregivers are supported and able to participate in the coordination and management of care. 
  • Require outreach to underrepresented populations, as well as culturally appropriate care.


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