CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released the following statement observing the 50th anniversary of the Farmington Mine disaster:
“Seventy-eight souls were lost on November 20, 1968. Many of the men had families of their own, with wives and children who would be forever changed as a result of the disaster, and West Virginians throughout our state shared in their grief. In our state’s close-knit communities, the heartache felt by one family is felt by all. Coming on the heels of other disasters over the previous decades, the Farmington Mine disaster challenged us to do better to protect and care for our miners.
“As we have done countless times before, West Virginians met the challenge head-on, and the tragedy led to passage of legislation that vastly improved mine safety and health. This work continues, and I will remain a forceful advocate for the health and safety of our state and nation’s miners. Let us honor the lives and legacies of those we lost and work to promote mine safety and secure a bright future for miners everywhere.”


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