WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) issued the below statement tonight following the U.S. House of Representatives vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump:

“Tonight, House Democrats did what they have promised they would do for years: impeach President Donald Trump. Since this president was elected, we have had investigation after investigation, and nothing to show. It has been made clear throughout this rushed and unfair process that this is nothing but political theater, and it sets a terrible precedent. Our Founders intended for impeachment to be used as the last straw, the last measure to remove a president from office. Today, impeachment is being weaponized as a political instrument, and that is unfortunate. West Virginians have made it clear to me time and time again that they would rather Congress focus on the issues that truly affect their day-to-day lives—not political and partisan theatrics. Let’s do what we were sent here to do: legislate and improve the lives of Americans.” 

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