WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released the following statement after President Trump announced his latest offer to end the partial government shutdown and secure our borders:

“The president continued to show leadership today and an honest desire to reopen the government while also strengthening border security. He made a good faith offer that includes important priorities for both Republicans and Democrats. As I’ve said from the beginning, that’s the kind of compromise we need—one that gets federal employees back to work, ensures our government is working at full capacity, and secures our borders. As chair of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I crafted a bipartisan bill that provides resources to meet our border security challenges, including a wall system, and I’ve continued to work with the president, others in the administration, and congressional leaders to come to the same kind of bipartisan solution the president put forward today. I urge my Democrat colleagues to now work with us in a meaningful way to reopen the government and strengthen border security—providing certainty, safety, and security for all Americans.”

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