WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Trump delivered an important message to remind the American people of the significant progress we’ve made since 2016, while also outlining a clear vision to continue building on this momentum. Thanks to President Trump’s vision and pro-growth policies, our economy is booming, our unemployment rate is at a 50-year low, and we are creating more opportunity for all Americans. More importantly, millions of Americans who felt neglected by the policies of the previous administration are no longer forgotten, and there is a renewed sense of optimism that is evident all across West Virginia.

“During his address, President Trump reinforced how pro-growth policies like tax reform and Opportunity Zones are making a difference in communities across the country, and I agree. In West Virginia, we are seeing community revitalization, new businesses coming in, and more jobs available. As one of President Trump’s earliest and staunchest supporters of tax reform, I will continue working with him to ensure we deliver more policies like this to boost our economy, create more jobs, and grow our small businesses.

“President Trump also reinforced the need to continue investing in America’s infrastructure to better connect our communities and close the digital divide. As chair of the EPW Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee, I’ve been a leader in advancing projects in this space. I was pleased to hear the president reference the highway bill that I co-authored and our committee passed. The bill includes many wins for West Virginia, including funds to repair our insufficient bridges and a provision to drive more funding to our state to support projects like Corridor H by accelerating the completion of the Appalachian Development Highway System. Investments like these are vital to the many aspects of our American life, and President Trump understands this.

“I was also encouraged to hear the president discuss other important national priorities like border security. As chair of the Homeland Security Appropriations subcommittee, I’ve been focused on securing our southern border, providing for our Homeland Security needs, and stopping the flow of illegal drugs. Another topic the president highlighted was our work—together—to attack the opioid epidemic, and the strides we’ve made in the last several years since he’s been in office. This has required a multifaceted approach at the national, regional, and local levels. We are seeing positive results as the president mentioned tonight—one being that this year marks the first time in 28 years that drug overdose death rates declined. And while I am glad these successes were highlighted tonight, we need to make sure we continue producing solutions that result in similar trends.  

“These and many of the other issues the president covered in tonight’s address are important national priorities that can help continue to move West Virginia and our country forward. While we still have more work to do, the president outlined the significant progress we’ve made as a nation—and that is evident at home in West Virginia. West Virginians and Americans will soon choose whether to continue building on this momentum or return to the failed policies of the past. I am confident we can—and we will—build on this momentum so we can continue delivering real solutions and creating an even brighter future for West Virginians and for all Americans.”

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