WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released the following statement after President Donald Trump announced he will declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency:
“Far too many West Virginians have been affected by the loss of a family member or friend because of a drug overdose, and many others across the country are experiencing similar loss. The recent report by the Commission on Drug Addiction and Opioid Abuse was further evidence of the severity of this epidemic. While we have made progress in curbing drug abuse, we need bolder solutions — like those detailed in the commission’s report. The president took another important step today by announcing he will declare this epidemic a national emergency, and I appreciate his commitment to making this fight a national priority. This declaration will help provide communities in West Virginia and throughout the country more resources to tackle this terrible epidemic and ultimately save lives.”
President Trump established the Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis on March 29 to develop new solutions aimed at ending and treating drug abuse, addiction and the opioid crisis.
Click here to read the commission’s interim report.
Click here to read Senator Capito’s statement following the release of the report.


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