WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R.-W.Va.) released the following statement about the Senate’s passage of a budget resolution today:
“The American people elected us to make the government more efficient, effective and accountable. Today we have shown that we are capable of governing by voting to approve the first balanced budget in recent memory. American families must live within a budget, states must adhere to a budget, and it is time for the federal government to do the same.
“I am especially pleased that my amendments on energy reliability, and heroin and methamphetamine use were included in the final budget resolution passed today. The first amendment is designed to deter EPA from issuing any regulation that would reduce the reliability of the electricity grid, allowing our economy to benefit from America’s vast energy resources and protecting West Virginia’s vital energy jobs. The second amendment will help to address West Virginia’s drug epidemic, and is an important step to rein in the growing drug problem.”