WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) issued the following statement in response to President Donald J. Trump’s first State of the Union address:
“Tonight, President Trump delivered an important reminder of what we as a country have accomplished in the past year, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Working together, Congress and the administration rolled back overly burdensome regulations, ended the war on coal, and once again created an environment that encourages growth and investment. We delivered comprehensive tax reform that is already putting money back in the pockets of hardworking Americans and empowering our small businesses to succeed. And we assured the millions of Americans who felt forgotten by the policies of the previous administration that we are fighting for them.
“The president also presented a clear and optimistic vision for the future—one that is focused on strength and pride and built on bipartisanship. That’s a vision I believe in, and I am ready to help achieve it. So, let’s get to work. Let’s continue to encourage and drive economic growth. Let’s invest in America’s infrastructure to better connect our communities and close the digital divide. Let’s continue to move forward with an all-of-the-above energy strategy. Let’s strengthen efforts to fight the opioid epidemic and keep our country safe. Like the president, I am confident our best days are ahead, and I will continue fighting for a bright and successful future for West Virginians and Americans across this great nation.”


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