WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released the below statement following her vote opposing the War Powers Resolution:

“President Trump did the right thing in ordering the attack that killed terrorist Qassem Soleimani following an Iranian attack that killed an American contractor and a separate Iranian-led attack against our embassy in Baghdad. By taking action, the president made clear that the Iranian regime will pay a high price for killing Americans. Enforcing this clear red line is designed to deter Iran from further escalating the current conflict.  

“No one—including President Trump—wants a war with Iran. Congress must authorize any deployment of forces to Iran, and I do not support such a push towards war. Iran will only be deterred from future attacks if they know that the president has the full authority to respond if they or their proxies kill Americans. If this resolution were to become law, that authority would be called into question. 

“I opposed the resolution to disapprove of military action against Iran not because I want war, but because I believe that Iran will be less likely to attack Americans or otherwise escalate this conflict if they know that the United States will strongly respond to acts of aggression that harm our citizens. This war powers resolution muddies the clear message that President Trump has sent to Iran. Instead of passing this war powers resolution, Congress should stand united with the Trump Administration in telling Iran that attacks against Americans will not be tolerated, and they will be met with a strong response from our military forces.”