WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced yesterday that U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) will continue to serve as a counsel to the Majority Leader in the 115th Congress.

“As counsel and members of the Senate Republican leadership team, these Senators will continue to bring invaluable insight to our conference on issues that affect American families. They are firmly committed to working with our colleagues and the incoming administration on increasing jobs, improving the economy and strengthening our national security,” Senator McConnell said.

Senator Capito is one of four counsels to the Majority Leader that McConnell appointed in the 115th Congress. As counsel, Senator Capito will offer input, guidance and advice to the Republican leadership.

Senator Capito will also continue to serve as a member of the Senate Republican Whip Team in the 115th Congress.

“It is humbling that Americans have again entrusted Republicans to lead the Senate in what will be an exciting and busy two years. As we roll back eight years of harmful regulations, reckless spending, and one-size-fits-all healthcare, I’m grateful for the commitment of my colleagues to help execute an agenda that continues to focus on the priorities of the American people,” said U.S. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas).

As a member of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Capito will also chair the Financial Services and General Government subcommittee, and serve on five subcommittees including: Commerce, Justice, and Science; Interior and Environment; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Military Construction and Veterans Affairs; and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development.
