U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), chairman of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee’s Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee, today participated in a full committee hearing entitled “Infrastructure: The Road to Recovery.”


“I join my voice in the chorus of being very excited about an infrastructure package. Senator Cardin and I worked this through our subcommittee, and we built a lot of sustainability of materials and everything into this to hopefully build a longer life.”

“When we were writing this highway bill that we’re all talking about today, one of the set asides I worked really hard at and wanted to make sure we were able to include is a $6 billion set aside that actually dedicates to bridge repair. We’ve seen a lot – some large bridges across the country – collapse to calamitous endings. But, we also know in all of our areas, we have bridges that can’t be used for school buses, can’t be used for heavier trucks and are a danger really to the communities.”

“I know a lot of them (construction companies) have gotten PPP loans. When you’re on the highway, there’s a lot of construction it seems like, but I’m sure it’s a lot less than it was. What are you seeing in terms of safety of your workers? What are you seeing in terms of confidence of rebuilds? Where do you this this construction industry can help pull us out of where we are right now? I think it would be an important part.” 


As chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee, Senator Capito has worked extensively on the
federal highway reauthorization bill, America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act of 2020 and other legislation that would address the condition of roads, bridges, and highways in America.

Last month, the committee
unanimously passed two water infrastructure bills, America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2020 and the Drinking Water Infrastructure Act of 2020, which included language authored by Senator Capito to ensure that the particular needs of West Virginia were addressed by securing $120 million for drinking water and wastewater investments specifically in central Appalachia.


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