WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) urged President Obama to sign the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes essential funding to equip our men and women in uniform with the tools needed to defend the nation.

“It would be a mistake for President Obama to veto a bill that has the overwhelming support of Congress. The threats we face from our adversaries are too great for our troops to lack the support and resources they need to protect and defend our nation.

“The NDAA, which passed the Senate today on a 70-27 vote, provides critical training and equipment for our military, including more than 6,000 members of the West Virginia National Guard and the thousands of West Virginians currently fighting ISIS and other emerging threats around the world.

“This bill eliminates duplicative and failing programs and redirects that funding to meet other critical needs, including programs that will modernize our military operations and equip our troops with the tools they need to successfully complete their missions.

“The bill also includes several reforms and programs that will directly benefit West Virginia’s men and women in uniform, including programs to safeguard our communities from drugs and related violence, funding to encourage West Virginia school children to pursue careers in STEM fields through the STARBASE program, and extending West Virginia’s partnership with other countries to conduct joint training and exercises.

“Our troops deserve our unified support and should not be subject to the gridlock that’s been all too common in recent years. I urge the president to put politics aside and take action on behalf of the service members who defend our freedoms day in and day out.”

Background on key NDAA provisions that will benefit West Virginia:

Drug Interdiction & Counter-Drug Program: The National Guard Counter-Drug program is a vital partnership between the National Guard, federal, state and local law enforcement, and private groups to safeguard communities from drugs and drug violence. The NDAA funds the Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug program at requested levels. As the battle against methamphetamines, opiates and heroine continues across West Virginia, funding for this important program is critical.

STARBASE Youth Program: STARBASE is a federally funded Department of Defense youth program. West Virginia has STARBASE locations in Charleston and Martinsburg. STARBASE incorporates a fast-paced and motivational curriculum of hands-on activities, tours and experiments to encourage students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM fields. The NDAA boosts STARBASE funding by $20 million. The education of our youth, particularly STEM education, is vital to the future of West Virginia.

National Guard State Partnership Program: The State Partnership Program provides federal funding for state National Guards to partner with other countries and conduct joint training and exercises. The West Virginia National Guard currently partners with Peru. The NDAA extends the National Guard State Partnership program for five years.
