WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today issued the below statement after voting to confirm Kimberly A. Reed, a West Virginia native, to serve as president of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank of the United States. Reed was confirmed by a vote of 79 to 17, making her the first woman and the first West Virginian to lead the Ex-Im Bank.
“Through her devotion to rural America and our country’s small businesses, Kim has proven that she is an excellent choice to lead the Ex-Im Bank. She has a strong reputation with public- and private-sector leaders and among domestic and international stakeholders—especially when it comes to agriculture and economic development. I have no doubt that her experience will enable her to bring important ideas, skills, and perspectives to the bank; and I am confident she will be the kind of leader we need to enact much-needed reforms at Ex-Im.”
Kimberly A. Reed most recently served as President of the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation where she collaborated with the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and State to increase acceptance of U.S. exports in emerging market countries. At the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Reed headed the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, where she oversaw the award of $4 billion in tax credits, loans, and grants to financial institutions and economic development groups investing in distressed communities across the nation. Reed also served as senior advisor to U.S. Treasury Secretaries John Snow and Henry Paulson. As counsel to three committees in the U.S. House of Representatives—the Ways and Means, Government Reform and Oversight, and Education and the Workforce Committees—she focused on oversight and reform of federal agencies. She was also vice president for Financial Markets Policy Relations at Lehman Brothers in New York.
Originally from Buckhannon, West Virginia, Reed earned her J.D. from West Virginia University College of Law and B.S. from West Virginia Wesleyan College.


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