WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) tonight issued the below statement after voting to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve as an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court:

“Tonight, I was proud to cast my vote in support of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve as our newest Supreme Court Justice. Based on Judge Barrett’s impressive resume, coupled with her depth of legal knowledge, she is clearly qualified to serve on our nation’s highest court. Her judicial philosophy and record on the Seventh Circuit are those of a mainstream jurist who considers herself bound by the law—not free to decide cases based on her own personal opinions.

“Ultimately, the most important factors in my decision to confirm a Supreme Court nominee are whether the nominee is well-qualified, has a record of applying the original text of our Constitution, and has the support of my fellow West Virginians. Judge Barrett meets the criteria. After meeting with Judge Barrett personally, thoroughly examining her record, and watching her impressive hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am even more certain that she is a fair-minded individual that understands and respects the responsibilities of a Supreme Court justice.

“West Virginians want a Supreme Court Justice with experience and integrity who will protect our Constitution and decide cases fairly. West Virginians want a Supreme Court Justice who will serve as a role model for our children and grandchildren. That’s exactly what they will get with Jude Amy Coney Barrett, and it’s for those reasons and more that I was proud to vote to confirm her to the United States Supreme Court.”

Last week, Senator Capito spoke on the Senate floor in support of Judge Barrett. Click here to watch.

Additionally, Senator Capito participated in a September press conference with several of her female Senate colleagues to discuss Judge Barrett as a jurist and role model, as well as the Left’s double standard with it comes to covering women in public service. Click here to watch.

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