WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released this statement after voting to reconfirm Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai as a member of the FCC. Pai was reconfirmed by a 52-41 vote.
“Chairman Pai has been such an important and effective partner in working to better connect communities in West Virginia and across the country, a priority he and I share. He truly understands the need to bring more rural communities online and has shown a real commitment to closing the digital divide in America. From starting a business to utilizing telemedicine, broadband is critical to strengthening our economy and providing important services to West Virginians, and I know Chairman Pai will continue to support and drive efforts to expand access to affordable high-speed internet. I was happy to support his reconfirmation and look forward to continuing our work together.”

10.07.2017 Pai Floor Speech Screenshot PLAY

Earlier today, Senator Capito spoke on the Senate floor to urge her colleagues to support Pai’s confirmation. Watch a video of her remarks by clicking here or on the image above.
In June, Senator Capito hosted Chairman Pai in West Virginia for the second time, highlighting the need for rural broadband in the state. As chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over the FCC and a member of the Commerce Committee, Senator Capito has worked closely with Chairman Pai and was an active participant in the confirmation process. 

07.11.2017 ICYMI Chairman Pai Release Photo3

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