WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) tonight voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (NDAA), bipartisan legislation to support our troops, enhance energy independence, and strengthen national security. Several provisions Senator Capito supported were included in this legislation that will benefit West Virginia and our servicemen and women.

Senator Capito issued the below statement after the Senate passed the NDAA by a vote of 86-11.

“It is vital that Congress joins together and displays robust, bipartisan support for our military by passing the NDAA as we have for 62 straight years now. I’m proud we were able to do that by passing this legislation that invests in our military, supports our servicemembers, strengthens national security, and protects our homeland,” Senator Capito said. “Included in this year’s NDAA are provisions I authored and supported that will enhance American energy independence, strengthen our West Virginia National Guard, and continue our battle against those who distribute deadly drugs like fentanyl into our country. This bill sends a clear message to our allies and adversaries that national security will always be a main priority, and that we will always support the brave men and women of our military.”


  • Includes the ADVANCE Act, legislation Senator Capito authored that would help position the United States as the undisputed international leader for nuclear energy technologies. Learn more about this legislation here.

  • Includes the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, legislation Senator Capito co-sponsored that would impose sanctions on trafficking of fentanyl and its chemical sources and opioids by transnational criminal organizations.

  • Includes provisions to convey two former Army Reserve facilities in New Martinsville, W.Va. and Wheeling, W.Va. to the respective cities. These facilities will be used for community emergency management response or law enforcement services.

  • Authorizes $3.3 million in Planning & Design funds for a new National Guard Readiness Center in Parkersburg, W.Va.

  • Encourages continuation of the West Virginia National Guard’s Ridge Runner irregular warfare program, which allows U.S. special operators and partner nations to train in irregular warfare and improve interoperability in the face of growing threats.


  • Secures a 5.2% pay raise for U.S. servicemembers to offset inflation.

  • Strengthens America’s munitions arsenal by adding six more critical munitions to the pentagon’s highly successful multi-year procurement (MYP) program, including Tomahawk and Mk48 torpedoes, which are essential to deterring China.

  • Confronts China with hard power and enhanced regional cooperation by establishing a new U.S. training program with Taiwan, expands the Pacific Deterrence Initiative to enhance U.S. basing and logistics, and requires a full public accounting of Chinese military spending.

  • Supports U.S. interests in Europe by prioritizing NATO partners who meet the goal of spending 2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on defense, authorizes the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative to continue building U.S. weapons manufacturing capacity, and provides the Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General (IG) with enhanced hiring authorities to ensure Ukraine oversight is fully resourced.

  • Invests in American naval power by rejecting White House plans to shrink the U.S. Navy.

  • Continues our fight against fentanyl by requiring the president to designate an executive branch official to coordinate interagency efforts to counter the malign activities of Mexican cartels.

  • Includes support to help address barriers to mental health care for service members.


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