To watch Senator Capito’s remarks, click here or on the image above. 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, delivered remarks at a bicameral press conference led by U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy, on the debt crisis and President Biden’s lack of urgency to compromise on a deal and prevent default.


THE HOUSE GOT IT DONE: “I want to say, first of all, the gauntlet that Senator Schumer threw out to Speaker McCarthy when he said ‘you can't have a plan, you won't get it done.’ Well, guess what? They got it done. They have the only plan, that we see, that raises our debt limit, but also responsibly brings in fiscal sanity.”

BRINK OF BIDEN DEFAULT: “Plain and simple, the president who prides himself on being such a great negotiator, has refused to negotiate for 97 days. So here we are, on the brink of a Biden default.”

OBLIGATION: “We have an obligation here. We have an obligation to the people that we represent, we have an obligation to ourselves as responsive legislators, to do the right thing. The right thing was to get into the room. As [Congressman] Dusty [Johnson] said, you can't go back and find those 97 days again, but it's time now for the president to get serious, to have fiscal responsibility, fiscal sanity.”

HOUSE AND SENATE REPUBLICANS ARE UNITED: “We are united behind our House colleagues. They did a magnificent job of showing strength, of showing a plan, of showing a common sense, plain and simple way to answer the great, great challenge of the fiscal situation that we find ourselves in.”

FULL CONFIDENCE: “I have full confidence that the negotiators in the room are going to be able to work this out, with the Speaker leading the way. And I've heard Leader McConnell say more than a few times, ‘this is not an unusual exercise to negotiate the debt limit, to have fiscal responsibility as a part of that.’ We've done it many times in the past, and we have to do it this time again.”

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